Pravne tekovine EU

PLAC III project: activities in 14 negotiation chapters and one study visit

PLAC III project: activities in 14 negotiation chapters and one study visit

During the 14-month extension, the Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC III) project will implement activities in the areas encompassed by 14 Negotiation Chapters, including one study visit, it was said at the meeting of the Project Steering Committee.The ninth meeting of the Steering Committee…

Seminar in Vršac: new draft Strategy for transposition in Chapter 12 presented

Seminar in Vršac: new draft Strategy for transposition in Chapter 12 presented

Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the team of the PLAC III project and project experts discussed the revision of the draft Strategy for the transposition, implementation and enforcement of the Union acquis in Chapter 12 at a three-day seminar held…

Last updated: February 20, 2025, 12:01